We supply a wide varitey of products used to collect and process Bovine Calf Blood for the serum industry.
We stand ready to assist you with your collection needs.
Fetal Blood Collection Bag
We have Supplied over 2 Million Blood collection bags to the Bovine Blood extraction industry. We have never had an ocasion whare our customers have run short on bag inventory.
Our current Film is rated for human blood storage. This leads to better quality yields. Our bags are made in America, and use almost exclusivly American-made supply materials, so you can rely on known quality manufacturers and materials.
We fabricate, assemble and package our bags in a clean, positive-pressureized room, using HEPA air filtration.
We test and record a minumum of 2% of our bags to failure and have an end-of-run archive of all the bags produced extending back to our inception. This helps us eliminate manufacturing problems from getting out into the field. The archive helps us identify any suspect lot numbers when new problems occur. This makes for efficent recall and repair efforts.
Vacuum Cylinder
We make the best quality vacuum cylinders. They are precision machined and bonded for full strength and durability.
Transfer Sets
We can produce a varitey of styles of transfer sets to meet your needs.
New Born Spike
We supply extraction products that service the Newborn (BOB) Calf industry. This is the source for veal product.
Calf Needles
Re-Tipped Calf Needle
Calf Needle Assembly